Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 152 - Something Beautiful

I love attempting a little macro photography and despite the poor light, and lack of daylight hours lately, I managed to take one of this camellia from the garden today, which I think fits "Something Beautiful". This is the first year that the camellias have really come out and since we didn't plant them, it was a nice surprise to see them!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 30: Something Beautiful

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 151 - My Personality

Ok, so this isn't immediately obvious, but I have been told that I am very pragmatic and that I just go with the flow, so with it being winter and all and with it being hard to find beautiful streams to photograph, I turned to the kitchen tap!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 30: Your Personality

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 150 - A Number

Today's photo criteria was 'a number'. By chance my class did a maths test today. Maths tests in year 2 are difficult. They don't understand that you can't just tell them the answers and that you want to find out what they know. My favourite question today was from one of my very clever girls today who asked me (when she pointed to were she had written 1000) if that was ten - hundred. Yes, I told her, ten hundreds do come after 900, but we call it a thousand. Even though what she suggested wasn't correct, strictly speaking, to me it really did demonstrate she understood place value, which was what we had been working on, through the week.

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 29: A Number

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 149 - The Weather Today

Well the Canberra Winter may officially start on Friday but we have had some very bleak weather already. Thankfully today was a nice one with a bit of winter sun. It makes a big difference to see some sun, doesn't it? Even if it is cold still!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 28; The Weather Today

Day 148 - Sweet

Mmmm! Ice cream! Sweet! Henry has only recently discovered his penchant for ice-cream. He had many funny expressions on his face tonight as he ate this, including when he decided to get much closer and lick the bowl! I am wondering if my boy has inherited my sweet tooth?

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 27; Sweet

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 147 - 12 O'clock

I realised at about 2.30 today that the day's photo was supposed to signify 12 o'clock! I hoped to not be up by midnight so went a bit non literal with the idea today. At 5pm I snapped this from a page in my pop's old atlas (bought in Colour Code Books Blacktown, for $11.95 in 1983, according to the inside cover). At 5pm our time it was 12 o'clock in San Francisco, a place that has been on my "to visit" list for a long time.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 146 - Unusual

I had another idea for my photo today, which was some "Public Art" (very popular in Canberra) but as it was dark by only 5.15 today and I had no time to leave work any earlier I had to search for something unusual at home! This blue cheese made an unusual picture!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 25; Unusual

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 145 - Something New

These are just a couple of new pieces of jewellery that I have bought recently; A turquoise and wooden beaded necklace (Diva) and a pair of peacock feather earrings (Lovisa). I love the colours, particularly in the feathers. I love buying little items from stores like these two. They are so inexpensive for a bit of extra impact!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 24; Something New

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 144 - Technology

It was a long day at the Q Theatre today with our year 2 choir. We had about 65 kids there from 11.30am until 8.30 when we came off stage post finale. The kids were fabulous in their matinee performance and did a great job of singing our two songs; Koolari and Octopus' Garden. I have to say though that by the night time performance there were many onstage yawns! I am hoping that since they are only little, it was considered cute?!

The picture above is some of the backstage lighting gear and it was a rare opportunity to take my photo today!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 23: Technology

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 143 - Pink

I really do not own very many things that are pink, except when it comes to shoes and nail polish. I wonder what I wear them with, because I only have about 4 items of clothing which are pink and this includes some pyjamas! As I have already posted about pink shoes (here last year) tonight I had to use the nail polish as my subject and with so many beautiful pinks, I think it makes a very pink shot!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 22: Pink

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 142 - Where You Stand

This is where I stand. Every morning and every night at this bathroom mirror and at least once a day, behind the lens. Usually not at the same time, but I thought it made an interesting self portrait. After the first, self portrait this month, I am kind of surprised to have two for this month!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 21: Where You Stand

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 141 - Something You Can't Live Without

Good Living
is an act of intelligence,

by which we choose things
which have an agreeable taste
rather than those which do not.

It goes without saying that I can't live without my little family, so I decided to take another tangent for today's photo. After deciding a bottle of wine may make me sound a bit sad (!) I went with chocolate and I have to say it's true! A day without chocolate is usually, well, lacking something, isn't it?

Luckily as today was Mum's birthday we had a great chocolate fix with her birthday cake. I didn't have my camera handy, but you can see that photo on Dale's blog when he updates!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 20: Something That You Can't Live Without

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 140 - A Favourite Place

I think for many people, their hometown would be classed as a favourite place. We went to Sydney this weekend for Mum's birthday dinner and this coincided well with the theme for today's photo. Interestingly, we happened to have a chat in the car when keeping an eye out for a sign and I was commenting that an I Heart Blacktown Tshirt (which I believe are sold by the Blacktown Council) would also be a suitable subject. Blacktown is also a place that has good memories for me and that I am proud of. Sydney is not all about it's beautiful harbour, Bondi Beach and famous landmarks, but rather, it is the place that I grew up, went to school and lived for the first 31 years of my life!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 19: A Favourite Place

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139 - Something You Made

I certainly don't sew very much at all. In fact the last bout of inspiration I had, ended with me handing over the dress I cut out so that Mum could have her overlocker back. I got my fully made dress handed to me a couple of weeks later.

One thing that I don't mind making is curtains. In one house I made curtains for 3 rooms as well as making a roman blind from scratch. These are the curtains in Henry's room. I love the colour and even bought extra to make curtains for Jenna's room too (on the to do list). The colour on Henry's wall is the same colour that I painted the rest of the bedrooms in the house. Other parts of the house are also now on the to do list. So many projects and so little time!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 18 : Something You Made

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138 - Snack

Mum and Dad brought these amazing mini bananas back from someone's backyard up north. They are the most amazing shade of yellow aren't they? They make shop bought ones look quite white in comparison. Strangely today was a day that I didn't snack at all, except for a muesli bar at recess and besides the fact that it would have made a boring picture, I was too flat out to photograph a muesli bar. (Got to love those 20 minute breaks, filled with photocopying, counselling children and waiting in line to use the coffee machine or microwave). So instead after dinner, I thought that this was a good enough reason to make banana split!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 17: Snack

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 137 - What You're Reading

These are all the books currently on my reading list! As you can probably tell, I don't have as much time to read as I would like (or as I think I do, according to my book depository problem!)

Currently I am reading the book on top of the pile; Mad Women by Jane Maas, which I picked up in the Portrait Gallery bookshop a couple of months ago. It's basically the story of the women of the Madison Avenue Ad Agencies in the 60s. It's pretty much the female perspective on the story told by one of my absolute favourite TV series Mad Men. I cannot recommend watching this clever, amazing series enough.

But back to books... There are ten books on the pile at the moment. In reality there are most likely a few other 'unreads' about the house as well. If I knew I had a couple of weeks booked at a beach resort at some point this year, I might get most of them finished, but at this stage, I am thinking I may get through one book each school holidays if I am lucky!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 16: What You're Reading

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 136 - Love

Love... what a broad topic to cover in one post and one photo. As soon as I hear the word love, of course I think about what Dale and I have and naturally I also think of Henry and the rest of our family. My photo today symbolises me and Dale. Two pieces of the puzzle sitting neatly locked in together. When you make a puzzle the pieces don't always fit together straight away. It takes a bit of work to get it all together, but when it does, it makes a beautiful picture!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 15: Love

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 135 - Grass

Quite often when I am driving to work I think about the photo opportunities that the mobs of kangaroos present me with, alongside Lanyon Drive. This morning, with a couple of spare minutes up my sleeve, I stopped to finally take a photo of the kangaroos, because today's theme is grass. Whenever I see these kangas, that is exactly what they are eating. I have to say that it doesn't look as appetising or as pretty as the bright green grass in our backyard, but who I am to judge?

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 14: Grass

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 134 - Mum

Well since I didn't get to see my Mum for Mothers Day, today, I thought that my photo should be of the little man that made me Mum and made my Mum, Nanna. Hope that made sense.

On my second Mothers Day ever, Henry presented me with a card (complete with a badge that said "Awesome Mum" lol) and perfume. He also handed over the little painting he did for me at daycare. Henry loves handing presents out!

Commonly you hear that Mothers Day should be Mum's Day Off. Today I wouldn't have wanted a "Day Off" from being Henry's Mum. Among other things, Henry learned to say "Thank you Mummy" this morning and has been using it when I push his chair in or pass him things. How cute is that?

Happy Mothers Day!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 13: Mum

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 133 - Something That Makes You Happy

There are many things that make me happy, but today I am just going to focus on one. It is a little bit shallow I guess, but I wonder who wouldn't agree, that going to have your hair done, makes you happy? Earlier this week I went and had my hair done and decided at the last minute to get my fringe back. I have never had so many compliments the next day, including a couple of people telling me that it made me look younger! See? That's got to make anyone happy :)

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 12: Something That Makes You Happy

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 132 - Kitchen

I've already used a picture of both my own kitchen and my dream kitchen on the blog this year, so I had to try and find something different today. Henry and his Nanna Glenda spent some time peeling and cutting up apples to make an apple tarte tatin for dessert tonight. Apple is one of Henry's earliest words and he listened keenly as Nanna told him all the things that you can do with apples, at the same time as helping to put the peeled ones in the bowl. He clinked glasses with Nanna afterwards (she with a glass of wine and he with a cup of apple juice). Oh and the tarte tatin worked out better than my last one which was more a toffee tart!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 11: Kitchen

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 131 - A Favourite Word

Kindness will be my favourite word for Henry. If there is one quality that I would like him to have, then kindness would have to be it. I often think that if more people had this quality, the world would be a better place. It really goes such a long way when someone is kind to you, particularly when it is unexpected. What qualities do you think are the most important?

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 10: A Favourite Word

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 130 - Something You Do Everyday

When I started thinking about the theme for today's photo, I realised how many things that there are that I do every single day! A lot of our lives are so routine that it all happens without thinking much about it. Anyhow, without a doubt, rarely a day goes by when I don't start the day with a cup of coffee, more than likely made by me. My favourite part each morning is when Henry points to each cup and says who it is for. Quite often as soon as Dale's is set on the table, he looks over his shoulder and hollers out, "Daddy!"

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 9: Something you do everyday

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 129 - A Smell You Adore

I will admit that I am a bit of a perfume addict. I just can't walk by a duty free without getting something. These are the Top 5 Smells That I Adore at the moment... well they are the five that I wear most; Princess, Miracle, D&G Red, Daisy and JPG Woman. 

Aside from perfumes, there are many other things I could have taken photos of; Henry's hair, Dale, a variety of food items from baking fruit cake to the slow cooker at the end of the day, when you can nearly smell it from the driveway, stores like Lush, Dusk or Bakers Delight or freshly brewed coffee. I did joke to Dale that my photo would be of nail polish today, but that is just a familiar smell that I put up with willingly!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 8: A Smell You Adore

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 128 - Someone Who Inspires You

I am not the kind of person who has heroes, nor do I have a mentor , so today's brief was tricky to fulfil. After a bit of thought, I came up with someone who has featured on my blog before and that is my friend Peta.

Many times I have thought of Peta, usually when I have been up in the middle of the night with a much younger crying Henry. The reason I have thought of Peta is that she has twins! When things have been really tough, I have reminded myself that Peta did this with two babies and she survived.

The other person in my picture, is Henry. Henry is the reason that I keep my blog going. When I am busy and feel like I don't have time to keep up with so many things, my blog is something that I know I have to press on with. After having my 2011 project printed into a book, I realised how worth it, it was to keep the project going, so that one day Henry can read all about my life and his childhood.

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 7: Someone Who Inspires You

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 127 - You

Well it isn't often that I appear on my own blog, but the theme for the 6th day of May was you... which I guess really means... me!

So this is a self taken portrait of me at Lake George this afternoon on our way back from the Pumpkin Festival at Collector. It isn't my favourite photo of the day, but for this month at least, I will be trying to stick to the theme.

We had a beautiful day at Collector which was mostly sunny and warm, but when we stopped at the Lake George look out on the way back it was freezing cold and windy. Maybe that is why I am pulling a funny face in this pic!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 6: You

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 126 - Bird

Lots of people aren't big on birds and I am kind of one of them, although I really do like cockatoos and galahs. A couple of days ago I saw about 10 of each hanging out together and thought it would make a great photo... but wrong day for this theme. On a drive out to Googong this morning I didn't have my camera handy to snap a huge bird that must have been an eagle, that soared overhead.

Later in the day as we drove into the city for some shopping however, I did spot a little gang of cockatoos. Gang? I googled this... perhaps it is a pandemonium of cockatoos, or it could be a cacophony apparently. I snuck up on them to get a few photos.

I know cockatoos get a bad rap, but I love their sense of fun!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 5: Bird

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 125 - Fun

Something that I am enjoying about this May Challenge is that it is encouraging me to go out and find subjects for my photos that will fit the theme, whereas when there is no set theme, I tend to wait for something to happen that may be interesting to snap for my blog!

Even though I haven't been to the circus that's in town, I have to say that driving past the big top semi regularly, it does look quite impressive... and of course a circus does symbolise "fun"!

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day4; Fun

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 124 - Something You Wore Today

With today's theme being Something You Wore Today I wasn't looking forward to taking my own photo to show what I wore today!

Luckily opportunity presented itself before we arrived home tonight, when I opened the back door of the car to see Henry wrapped in the scarf that I wore today.

My bright green silk scarf was bought in Vietnam and I always wish that I had bought a couple more in different colours, because we really did see them everywhere in a wide variety of hues. There are only so many things you can bring home though. It really is a favourite clothing item of mine.

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day3; Something You Wore Today

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 123 - Skyline

With a half hour window this afternoon between a physio appointment and pilates I had to get a photo of the skyline today. I took a very quick driving and walking tour around Queanbeyan  and after taking a few shots, I finally remembered a little church that I had seen a little while ago. At the time I thought it would be good to photograph. I took a couple of photos that I really like, but looking now, I think it is more of a roofline, than a skyline.

So instead, here's my alternative! Taken from Lanyon Drive this morning, looking across to Canberra, which you can just see on the left, in the distance.

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 2; Skyline. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 122 - Peace

To inject a little inspiration into my blog this month, I have decided to play along with the challenge presented on Fat Mum Slim's blog ( and for today the theme was Day 1; Peace.

For me, peace is a few different things. The sound of the quiet when I am the first up in the morning, the sound of Henry sleeping, sitting in the garden in the middle of the day or the sound of my classroom about 5 minutes after bell time.

After a decidedly unpeaceful morning where Henry woke at about quarter to 5, I was luckily able to resettle him in bed with us and peacefully he slept, until I decided to take his photo at quarter to 7!