Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21 - Another Item Ticked off the List

One of the big things to do on my holiday To Do list was to clean out my study. To give you an idea of how unorganised and cluttered it was, I did one day hear Jenna refer to it as 'the junk room' when giving a friend a tour of our house! How embarrassing. I have to admit though, because I try to do most of my work at school, it is more of a storage space and with floor to ceiling shelving on two walls, it really can store quite a lot! I did most of this yesterday but finished it off today so that I could take some photos in there with the daylight flooding in. Like I did in our lounge room, I have tried to move furniture away from windows to let more light in and better access. Additionally, I took one desk out because we really only need one in there. One other thing I did consider was the way the desk faces. I have read before that it is bad feng shui to have your back to the door when sitting at a desk and so I rectified that!

This is a room that we have never really done much to, like picking a colour scheme or anything, but I am a little inspired by the black and white artwork that I put up on the wall. These drawings were done by Dale's Nanna. I am not sure when as they are undated. Maybe someone could have a guess at the fashion era? I was thinking that black and white could be a good look for this room, anyway, if I ever get to finishing the curtains in all the other bedrooms first!


  1. You have inspired me.. looking and reading your post I have come to the realisation that mine needs a lot of work too. We have a double wardrobe as our storage but it is a junk pit itself. Having an IT man in the house we have cables and sooooo many computers I don;t know what to do with them. Then add my school stuff and scrapbooking things which I hardly ever get time to do any more. There isn't even room in there for my reading books. Ohh dear, What to do with it all?

  2. The drawings look like they could come from the 1930s

  3. I thought that they looked 1930s too, but wasn't sure if that fitted mathematically! Would you believe Dale didn't know when his Nanna was born?

    Amanda, computers take up so much space! Will Matt use them or are they junk? Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! I have been doing one room at a time these hols and it feels great to get things cleaned out!

  4. We have got all the computers working that can be used... he stores them for the "i might need this cable, or hard drive" all of those lovely excuses. Keep watching my site I may have something worked out by the end of the year.
    Would like to come in and do my son's room. I don't even know where to start.. I doesn't help when he watches everything I don and won't let me get in there by myself.
