Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32 - Apple Doesn't Fall Far

It is probably little wonder that Henry loves shoes. Dale has a huge boxful of them that I call the shoe coffin (maybe he doesn't really *love* his shoes) and there have been a number of times that we have gone shopping and he has come home with 2 or 3 pairs. Then of course I have a love of shoes and having worked in retail footwear for some time (although no longer) I have to say that it really increased my cravings to buy shoes! Henry loves all of our shoes... sneakers, thongs and even pink wedges which seem to be his latest shoe obsession...


  1. When my foot is better come shoe shopping with me. I HATE shoe shopping, I never know what suits me or that will be comfortable.

  2. LOL... I don't buy what's comfortable half the time... I just buy what I love!
