Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 115 - Lesson Learned!

My photo today looks like some kind of bizarre negative thing! Embarrassingly, I only took two photos today and didn't look at either of them straight after I took them (mainly because I was making sure the assembly was running properly). Lesson learned. My camera was on a different setting that Dale had been playing with and I hadn't reset it yet. I had to play around with this a lot so that you could even see the bag pipe player's facial details and it is kind of interesting, but not how I would have chosen to have this photo!

This is Mr Sweetapple, who played the pipes at our school's Anzac Day ceremony today.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when a photo doesn't turn out like you thought it would and it happens to be that day you don't check it. It's a habit to get into checking after each. Thank gosh for digital photos!
